Virtual Session Information

Virtual Session Information
The PACRAO 2021 Guidebook App will have the the most up to date session information. Registered attendees will receive an invite to Guidebook on closer to the conference.
Monday, November 1st
Session Block A | 10:15am - 11:15am Arizona time (PDT)
A-V1: Embracing Your Story: Bringing Your Authentic Self
Who is your best self vs. your authentic self? How can embracing your authentic self, and bringing that person to the spaces you inhabit, help others as well as your self? We'll talk about the concepts of alignment, belonging, and compassion to uncover your unique ability to create community.
Presented by: Kristen Labrecque, Shoreline Community College
A-V2: Simplifying Leadership: The New Manager's Toolkit
Sometimes the first leadership journey can be the hardest without direction. Using foundational simplified leadership principles, this session will review strategies to assist new managers in becoming successful with new workgroups. Participants will be introduced to various readings, activities and approaches in handling the new manager experience to generate success. Strategies You Can Begin Implementing Before The Session Ends
Presented by: Marc Booker, University of Phoenix
Session Block B | 11:30am - 12:30pm Arizona time (PDT)
B-V1: List Management: Tips & Tricks in Excel and Troubleshooting
Have two lists and need to combine the information to make it useful? Need to quickly identify records present on one list, but not another? Learn how to use VLOOKUP vs. INDEX & MATCH in Excel to meet your needs, and more!
Presented by: Anna Vargas, Western Oregon University
B-V2: Whatever Works: Technologies and Tips for Creating and Presenting Technical Training
Explore technologies that enable you to create dynamic training for highly technical topics regardless of platform (Mac, PC, or Linux), budget (no budget, low-budget, I produce my own films), or prior instructional experience. Real, relevant, and reproducible.
Presented by: Anna Vargas, Western Oregon University;
B-V3: Book Club: We Should All Be Feminists
Members of the Diversity Development Committee will lead a discussion on the book "We Should All Be Feminists" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This book offers a unique definition of feminism, rooted in inclusion and awareness. Participants should purchase a copy of the book in advance of the conference.
Presented by: Les Apouchtine, Vancouver Community College
B-V4: How a Single Credential Management Platform Made a Difference at Southern Oregon University | Vendor Session
What efficiencies could you create in the Registrar’s office if there was one platform to manage all credentials including transcripts, diplomas, certificates, and badges? A comprehensive credential system is becoming essential to creating a simple, consistent learner experience across digital and print requests, all while freeing up time for more strategic projects. Hear how Southern Oregon University has saved time and money moving to a comprehensive platform and how they are better serving their students with a modern credential experience.
Presented by: Sarah Rappa, Parchment; Alisha Higley, Southern Oregon University.
Tuesday, November 2nd
Session Block H | 2:00pm - 3:00pm Arizona time (PDT)
H-V1: Proactive Assessment of Course Waivers at Admission
Learn how the University of Phoenix recently started to proactively evaluate and award course waivers to students at the time of admission to the university.
Presented by: Gregory Jose, University of Phoenix
H-V2: Roundtable: Recent Updates to VA Regulations & Army TA
Join your colleagues who work with VA and military education benefits to discuss the recent impacts of Isakson and Roe to VA benefit certification. We will also discuss challenges and successes with getting set up in ArmyIgnitED.
Presented by: Kate Parker, Oregon State University
H-V3: How Oregon State’s New Scheduling Process is Helping their Campus Thrive | Vendor Session
Like many institutions, Oregon State suffered with inefficiencies in their class scheduling process. The existing processes resulted in errors, conflicts, and schedules that didn’t always provide good options for students. They knew there were better ways of scheduling and chose to implement a new scheduling system which has resulted in streamlined schedule submissions, increased understanding of policies and procedures, and reduced errors and policy violations across the board. Join us to hear how the team at Oregon State have moved from a manual, labor-intensive, and paper-based scheduling process to a more efficient and modern way of updating schedules that has helped their administrators, faculty, and students thrive.
Presented by: Rebecca Wagner, Oregon State University; Bryan Blackwell, Courseleaf
Session Block I | 3:30pm - 4:30pm Arizona time (PDT)
I-V1: Women of Registration: Chelsea and Chelsey
It's time that women of registration are allowed to share their stories about how they carved their paths to success, tips on retaining and advancing women registrars, and the plight of women working in registration. Join this session to celebrate two women Assistant Registrars by listening and engaging in conversation.
Presented by: Marcedes Butler, University of Nevada Las Vegas
I-V2: Webforms 101 (AKA: Paper forms are for Piñatas)
Creating webforms to replace existing paper forms has many benefits and is now an expectation. Hear how the University of Oregon Office of the Registrar transitioned their existing paper-based forms to webforms and what they learned in the process.
Presented by: Sarah Strickler, University of Oregon
Wednesday, November 3rd
Ed Talks | 8:00am - 9:15am Arizona time (PDT)
Sessions to be announced