Officer Duties and Descriptions: SECRETARY
I. Bylaw Duties
The Secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the Association; and shall keep the minutes of the formal annual business meeting and all meetings of Executive Board.
II. Specific Duties
- Update Association Letterhead
- Immediately after the conference upon assuming office and the conference mid-way through the two-year term, confirm contact information of each Executive Board member. Include board position, name, title at home institution, institution, telephone, email address.
- Include PACRAO URL and next two conference dates and location.
- Provide letterhead to the Vice President for Publications and Information Technology for posting to the PACRAO Official Documents web page for use as needed by board members and the Local Arrangements Committee and Program Committee chairs.
- Update Retiree and Member Recognition Records
- Gather data from the responsible board members and committee chairs following the Annual Conference:
- List of retirees. Forward to VP for Membership who will update database.
- List of Honorary Member recipients. Forward to VP for Membership who will update for database. Forward to VP for Publications and Information Technology for posting to the PACRAO website.
- Exemplary New Member Award recipient(s). Forward to VP for Publications and Information Technology for posting to the PACRAO website.
- Take Minutes of all Executive Board Meetings and Distribute for Review and Approval.
- Take minutes of all Executive Board meetings, commencing with the Executive Board meeting immediately following the Annual Business Meeting upon taking office through the board meeting immediately preceding the conference at the end of the second year of the term. Includes all in-person and teleconference meetings. Record all association business including formal motions, votes, and tasks (action items) arising from discussion and to be accomplished by the board.
- Forward drafts of the minutes to all board members, and invite corrections and comment.
- Revise minutes as needed and provide a final version to the President for approval at the next board meeting.
- Forward approved final minutes to the VP for Publications and Information Technology for posting to the PACRAO Official Documents web page.
- Collect and Redistribute Board Reports from all Executive Board Members
- Collect reports from each Executive Board member prior to the Winter Executive Board Meeting, the Summer Executive Board Meeting, and the annual conference Executive Board Meeting. Combine into a single document and distribute to all board members prior to each meeting.
- Include these collected board reports with the official minutes from each meeting.
- Take Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting and distribute for review and approval.
- Take minutes of the Annual Business Meeting. Record all association business including executive board member reports to the membership, formal motions, votes, recognitions and announcements.
- Forward a draft of the minutes to all board members, and invite corrections and comment.
- Revise minutes as needed and provide a final version to the President for general agreement at the next board meeting. Annual Business Meeting minutes are approved by the membership at the following Annual Business Meeting.
- Forward approved final minutes to the VP for Publications and Information Technology for posting to the PACRAO "About PACRAO" web page.
- Update Historical Records
- Assist with updating conference historical details.
- Assist with updating other archival documentation and ensuring records stored in Official Documents is complete and accurate.
- Conference Responsibilities
- Prepare and distribute the minutes of the previous Annual Business Meeting to the Membership at the Annual Business Meeting.
- Executive Board Responsibilities
- Serve as a voting member of the Executive Board.
- Participate in all Executive Board meetings, in person and via telephone.
- Contribute newsletter articles to the PACRAO quarterly newsletters.
- Write and submit three reports (one for Winter Executive Board Meeting, one for Summer Executive Board Meeting, one year-end report for the Executive Board Meeting prior to the Annual Conference).
III. Required and Optional Meetings:
- Annual Conference while assuming Secretary position (paid by your institution)
- Saturday afternoon-Sunday morning Executive Board Meeting prior to conference
- Sunday afternoon First-Time Attendee Session
- Sunday evening Opening Session
- Wednesday morning Annual Business Meeting
- Wednesday afternoon Executive Board Meeting following conference
- Winter Executive Board Meeting of first year (paid by PACRAO)
- Late January/early February at upcoming conference location, usually Friday-Sunday
- AACRAO Annual Meeting (optional, paid by your institution)
- State and Regional Officers' Meeting (free pre-conference workshop)
- PACRAO Executive Board Meeting for those attending AACRAO if arranged by PACRAO President
- Summer Executive Board Meeting of first year (paid by PACRAO)
- Late June to early August at conference location 18 months out, usually Friday-Sunday
- Annual Conference at end of first year (paid by your institution)
- Saturday-Sunday morning Executive Board Meeting prior to conference
- Sunday afternoon First-Time Attendee Session
- Sunday evening Opening Session
- Wednesday morning Annual Business Meeting
- Wednesday afternoon Executive Board Meeting following conference
- Winter Executive Board Meeting of second year (paid by PACRAO)
- Late January/early February at upcoming conference location, usually Friday-Sunday
- AACRAO Annual Meeting (optional, paid by your institution)
- State and Regional Officers' Meeting (free pre-conference workshop)
- PACRAO Executive Board Meeting for those attending AACRAO if arranged by PACRAO President
- Summer Executive Board Meeting of second year (paid by PACRAO)
- Late June to early August at conference location 18 months out, usually Friday-Sunday
- Annual Conference at end of second year (paid by your institution)
- Saturday-Sunday morning Executive Board Meeting prior to conference
- Sunday afternoon First-Time Attendee Session
- Sunday evening Opening Session
- Wednesday morning Annual Business Meeting
* Refer to Executive Board Calendar for specific tasks each month.
28 Jan 2015