
Officer Duties and Descriptions: PRESIDENT

I. Bylaws Duties
With the support of the Executive Board, the President shall assume full responsibility for all general activities of the Association, oversee the program and local arrangements for the annual conference, with the chairs of the Local Arrangements Committee and Program Committee, oversee all financial obligations, and approve all Association bills before payment by the Treasurer. The President also has responsibility to appoint the Local Arrangements Committee Chair, the Program Committee Chair, the Diversity Development Advocate, and the Business Partner Liaison. The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees of the Association except the Nominations and Elections Committee.

II. Specific Duties

  1. Manage the Work of the Executive Board
    1. Provide leadership and coordinate the activities of the Executive Board to accomplish the goals of the board and the association.
    2. Coordinate and preside over Executive Board meetings at least four times annually.
      1. Immediately following the Annual Business Meeting upon assuming presidency
      2. During the winter at the next conference site (late January or early February)
      3. During the summer at the conference site for the following year (late June, July or early August)
      4. Preceding the opening session of the conference at the end of the year of presidency
      5. An optional meeting may be called during the AACRAO Annual Meeting during the spring if a quorum of members attend
      6. Additional phone meetings may be called as desired.
    3. Coordinate regular communication among board members throughout the year.
    4. Manage the Executive Board Calendar and ensure the completion of all activities.
    5. Manage the production of the quarterly newsletter.
  2. Oversee the Local Arrangements and Program Committees
    1. Ensure that the Local Arrangements Committee meets at an early date (at the site of the next conference if possible) to discuss planning for a quality conference in accordance with professional association standards.
    2. Work with the Local Arrangements Chair and Program Chair to reach such goals as inclusive representation of members on the committees, inclusive representation of conference topics, budgeting parameters, and conference quality.
    3. Send personalized invitations to attend the conference and president's reception to past presidents and other dignitaries (honorary members, state presidents, retirees, etc.).
    4. Archive information about conference logistics.
  3. Develop Fiscal Procedures and Budget
    1. Upon assuming presidency at the Annual Business Meeting, work with the Past President and Treasurer to discuss possible cash carry forward, outstanding bills, deadlines for finishing the current year's budget, budget trends.
    2. Work with the Treasurer to develop procedures for approval of bills for payment.
    3. Work with the Treasurer to develop procedures for timely payment of taxes, financial review, insurance payments, corporation filings, etc.
    4. If a transition year with a new Treasurer, meet with old and new Treasurers to ensure a smooth transition.
    5. Work with the Executive Board to develop and approve an annual budget at the Winter Executive Board Meeting.
  4. Serve as Liaison to AACRAO
    1. Act as the primary liaison with AACRAO.
    2. Work with AACRAO to select and invite AACRAO's representative to the PACRAO Annual Conference.
    3. Submit items of interest to AACRAO publications when appropriate.
    4. Attend the AACRAO State and Regional Officers' Meeting (early December) or designate to President-Elect or other board member or committee chair.
    5. Nominate PACRAO members for AACRAO officer positions and Nominations and Elections Committee.
    6. Inform the AACRAO Vice President for Leadership and Management Development of new PACRAO officers and future conference sites.
  5. Coordinate Executive Board Meeting Logistics
    1. Work within contracts to coordinate winter and summer board meetings; make arrangements with hotels for all logistics; oversee reimbursement of travel expenses to attendees.
    2. Call regular interim phone meetings as desired.
    3. Create agendas; preside over all meetings; ensure minutes are taken, reviewed, approved.
  6. Preside Over Annual Conference and Annual Business Meeting
    1. Prepare script for the Annual Conference, including all agendas of all committee meetings.
    2. Preside over opening session.
    3. Preside over closing session and Annual Business Meeting.
      1. Call to order-President
      2. Approve minutes of prior Annual Business Meeting-Secretary
      3. Conference Registration report-current LAC Chair
      4. Recognitions-President
      5. Professional Development report-Vice President
      6. Membership report-Vice President
      7. Publications and Information Technology report-Vice President
      8. Treasurer's report-Treasurer
      9. Audit report-Audit Chair
      10. Constitution & By-Law Changes-Past President
      11. Election of Officers-Past President
      12. Future Conferences-Past President
      13. President's report-President
      14. Introduction of new President-outgoing President
      15. New President's comments-incoming President
      16. Introduction of next year's conference-succeeding LAC Chair
      17. Closing-incoming President
  7. Executive Board Responsibilities
    1. Serve as a voting member of the Executive Board.
    2. Participate in all Executive Board meetings, in person and via telephone.
    3. Contribute newsletter articles to the PACRAO quarterly newsletters.
    4. Write and submit three reports (one for Winter Executive Board Meeting, one for Summer Executive Board Meeting, one year-end report for the Executive Board Meeting prior to the Annual Conference).

III. Required and Optional Meetings

  1. Annual Conference while assuming President position (paid by your institution)
    1. Saturday morning-Sunday morning Executive Board Meeting prior to conference
    2. Sunday afternoon First-Time Attendee Session
    3. Sunday evening Opening Session
    4. Wednesday morning Annual Business Meeting
    5. Wednesday afternoon Executive Board Meeting following conference
  2. Winter Executive Board Meeting (paid by PACRAO)
    1. Late January/early February at upcoming conference location, usually Friday-Sunday
  3. AACRAO Annual Meeting (optional, paid by your institution)
    1. State and Regional Officers' Meeting (free pre-conference workshop)
    2. PACRAO Executive Board Meeting for those attending AACRAO if arranged by PACRAO President
  4. Summer Executive Board Meeting (paid by PACRAO)
    1. Late June to early August at conference location 18 months out, usually Friday-Sunday
  5. Annual Conference at end of Past President year (paid by your institution)
    1. Saturday morning-Sunday morning Executive Board Meeting prior to conference
    2. Sunday afternoon Nominations and Elections Committee prior to conference
    3. Sunday afternoon First-Time Attendee Session
    4. Sunday evening Opening Session
    5. Wednesday morning Annual Business Meeting
    6. Wednesday afternoon Nominations and Elections Committee following conference with report to Executive Board
    7. Wednesday afternoon Executive Board Meeting following conference

* Refer to Executive Board Calendar for specific tasks each month.

20 Jan 2015