Diversity History
A Commitment to Diversity
“To promote a community of inclusiveness in PACRAO and in our profession.”1993
- President Christine Kerlin proposes “Diversity Development Advocate (DDA)” position when Ethnic Caucus Groups and Equal Employment Opportunity Breakfast begin to disintegrate.
- President Christine Kerlin appoints Cecilia Rodriguez (UCLA) first DDA.
- Cecilia surveys members, creates Diversity Development Committee (DDC), and revitalizes Diversity Development (DD) Breakfast at PACRAO 94 (Spokane).
- President Melanie Bell appoints Robin Thompson (Skagit Valley College) DDA.
- PACRAO 95 (Newport Beach): Conference includes a diversity and culture track.
- President Janet Ward appoints Masa Fujitani (UC Irvine) DDA.
- Masa expands ad hoc DDC and establishes regular DDC meetings.
- PACRAO 96 (Sacramento): DD Breakfast offers a guest speaker: Dr. Terry Roberts, Little Rock Nine.
- President Ron Heath appoints Masa Fujitani DDA for a second year.
- PACRAO 97 (Vancouver):
- DD Breakfast becomes a networking social.
- First DD conference plenary speaker: Henry Der, California State Department of Education.
- Second DD Connection added to conference as an early “get-acquainted” reception following the New Member Orientation.
- Diversity is integrated as an ongoing conference track.
- President Jim Moore appoints Clifford A. Ramirez (UCLA) DDA.
- PACRAO 98 (Palm Springs):
- DDC contributes two plenary speakers—Episcopal minister, poet, and gay activist Malcolm Boyd and Dr. Diane Ramirez, California Association on Postsecondary Education and Disability (CAPED).
- DDC works with Program Chair David Van Ness to make “diversity and access” an underlying and recurring theme of PACRAO 98.
- AACRAO recognizes PACRAO DDC with its Elbert W. Ockerman Award. Cliff accepts award on behalf of PACRAO and the DDC at AACRAO 98 (Chicago).
- President Sandra Springfield appoints Brenda Simmons (Santa Monica College) DDA.
- PACRAO DDC presents a session about itself at AACRAO 99 (Charlotte).
- President Nora McLaughlin appoints Brenda Simmons DDA for a second year.
- DDC hosts its first Summer Success Seminar at Mount St. Mary’s College.
- PACRAO 2000 (La Jolla): DD Connection I and New Members Orientation combine as a single session.
- President John Finney appoints Anne Delfin-Schnirch (Mount St. Mary’s College) DDA.
- DDC and El Camino Community College Admissions/Records Department co-host Professional Development Seminar at El Camino College.
- PACRAO 2001 (Burlingame): DDC contributes two returning speakers, Henry Der and Dr. Terry Roberts.
- President Sunny Burns appoints Anne Delfin-Schnirch DDA (Chapman University) for a second year.
- DDC, Professional Development Committee, and Chapman University co-host Professional Development Seminar at Chapman University.
- PACRAO 2002 (Victoria) coordinated a new member informational booth for first-time participants.
- President Cliff Ramirez appoints Nirmala Sharma DDA (Charles Drew University).
- PACRAO 2003 (Coeur d’Alene) coordinated a new member informational booth for first-time participants.
- President Bob Bontrager appoints Nirmala Sharma DDA (Soka University) for a second year.
- PACRAO 2004 (Tucson) coordinated a new member informational booth for first-time participants.
- President Dannette Sullivan appoints Tina Petersen DDA (William Jessup University).
- PACRAO 2005 (Sacramento) coordinated a new member informational booth for first-time participants.
- First Diversity Luncheon for all members; Dr. William Ellerbee as featured speaker.
- President Chris Butzen appoints Tina Petersen DDA (William Jessup University).
- PACRAO 2006 (Waikiki) Programming Committee established guidelines for diversity related materials to be highlighted in all sessions.
- PACRAO 2006 (Waikiki) coordinated a new member informational booth for first-time participants.
- Second annual Diversity Luncheon for all members; Dr. Doris Ching as featured speaker.
- President Nirmala Sharma appoints Tandy Elisala-Wiest DDA (University of Phoenix).
- PACRAO 2007 (Salt Lake City) coordinated a new member informational booth for first-time participants.
- Third annual Diversity Luncheon for all members; Mr. William Guillery as featured speaker.
- Diversity Development Committee (DDC) created website content for inclusion and visibility on the PACRAO website. Content approved by board and forwarded to vendor for website inclusion.
- Diversity article submitted to Writer’s Team.
- PACRAO 2007 has seven (7) diversity sessions including a session by the UT Attorney General. DDC contributes a diversity session for the pre PACRAO professional development competencies workshop.
- President Michelle Sandlin re-appoints Tandy Elisala-Wiest DDA (University of Phoenix).
- PACRAO 2008 (Portland, OR) Diversity Development Committee (DDC) coordinated 8 Diversity Development sessions, which included a roundtable on LGBT issues.
- Fourth annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured speaker: Frances Portillo, International & Intercultural Communication Consultant. Ms. Portillo conducted diversity follow-up session after the luncheon.
- A special workshop on Breaking Barriers for People in Poverty was presented by Linda Coates, on Tuesday.
- President Mary Neary Morley appoints Revy Buchanan DDA (Chapman University)
- PACRAO 2009 (Newport Beach, CA) Diversity Development Committee coordinated 5 sessions and one pre-conference workshop.
- Fifth annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured Dr. Ronni Sanlo, Professor at UCLA and Director of the UCLA LGBT Campus Resource Center. Dr. Curtis F. Shepard, Director of Children, Youth & Family Services, Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center joined Dr. Sanlo to present at the diversity follow-up session after the luncheon.
- DDC helped coordinate Pre-Conference professional development competencies workshop on Human Resources issues which included addressing diversity issues in the workplace.
- President David Johnston appoints M. Kirk Koenig DDA (University of Oregon).
- PACRAO 2010 (Calgary, Alberta, CA) Diversity Development Committee coordinated an LGBT Caucus on Sunday afternoon and distributed rainbow stickers to members who would serve as a resource to others during the conference.
- The Diversity Development Committee coordinated also two diversity roundtables.
- Sixth annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured Melissa Luhtanen, LL.B., who advocates for and speaks on human rights issues.
- DDC helped coordinate a performance by the Metis Spirit Dancers, a group of three siblings who performed the Hoop Dance, Grass Dance, and Metis Jigging, all traditional native dances, at the Exhibitor Reception.
- President Helen Garrett originally appoints Erica O’Neal (Cal Tech); she resigned in the spring; President Garrett then appoints Soraira Urquiza (Art Center College of Design) and Nancy Norman (Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) as Co-DDAs.
- PACRAO 2011 (Seattle, WA) Diversity Development Committee coordinated a double-session workshop entitled “Barnga: An Educational Diversity Game” led by David Sussman.
- In lieu of the Seventh annual Diversity Luncheon, plenary speaker Donna Beegle, Ed.D., author, speaker and founder of PovertyBridge spoke about her experience growing up in poverty and breaking poverty barriers at the closing session.
- President Julia Pomerenk appoints Nancy Norman DDA (Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine).
- DDA Nancy Norman wrote a spotlight article about Cliff Ramirez for the Spring 2012 PACRAO Newsletter; in addition, who brief spotlights on new DDC Members Audra McQuarie and Mark McKellip appeared in the same edition.
- The DDC developed a Diversity Brochure for distribution at the 2012 annual conference.
- PACRAO 2012 (San Diego, CA) Diversity Development Committee coordinated the Opening Plenary Session speaker, Anthony Hassan (Director of the Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families (CIR), Clinical Associate Professor at University of Southern California’s School of Social Work and retired US Air Force Major) and Catherine Ward (Assistant Coordinator of Veterans Student Services at California State University-Fullerton).
- Eighth annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured Dr. Reginald (Reggie) Blaylock (Director of SDSU's Educational Opportunity Program and Assistant Vice President for the Division of Student Affairs at San Diego State University) and Don Wells (Director, Just in Time for Foster Youth Foundation).
- The DDC coordinated the conference closing speakers, Hunter I Riley (Pat Tillman Foundation and Robin Williams Tillman Military Scholar at SDSU) and Sergeant Robin Williams (US Marine Corp).
- The DDC coordinated five sessions for the diversity track during the conference.
- The DDC coordinated the 2012 Charitable Giving College Bound Drive for “Just In Time Foster Youth.”
- President Sue Eveland appoints Soraira Urquiza DDA (Art Center College of Design).
- In the Winter 2013 PACRAO Newsletter, DDA Soraira Urquiza wrote a member profile of Courtney Ford; In the Fall 2013 PACRAO Newsletter, DDC Member Kimanthi Warren wrote an article about the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy, PACRAO’s 2013 Charity.
- DDA Soraira Urquiza and VP for Professional Development Celeste Nguyen began work on a mentoring program, later to be named PACRAO Pals. The mentorship program was launched during PACRAO 2013 and has continued each year since then.
- The DDC coordinated the opening Plenary session featuring the Drum Café.
- PACRAO 2013 (Las Vegas, NV) Diversity Development Committee coordinated four sessions and one roundtable during the conference.
- Ninth annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured Herbie Walker, Dean of Students at Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy.
- PACRAO 2013’s Philanthropy attempted to raise $2500 to fund a student for one year at the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy.
- President Todd McCollum re-appoints Soraira Urquiza DDA (Art Center College of Design).
- DDC Member, Ruth Garay wrote a member profile about Alejandro “the Foodie” Chacon for the Spring 2014 PACRAO Newsletter; DDA Soraira Urquiza wrote a member profile about Paul Lampano for the Summer 2014 PACRAO Newsletter; and DDC member Lisa Zuzarte wrote an article for the Fall 2014 PACRAO Newsletter about Jilma Meneses, PACRAO’s 2014 Diversity Luncheon Speaker; Lisa also wrote an article about Adelante Mujeres, the 2014 PACRAO charity.
- PACRAO 2014 (Portland, OR) Diversity Development Committee coordinated three sessions during the conference.
- Tenth annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured Jilma Meneses, Chief Operating Officer from Concordia University. PACRAO 2014’s Philanthropy was Adelante Mujeres, a program that offers a variety of opportunities to low-income Latina women which provide holistic education and empowerment.
- During the Business Meeting at the 2014 Conference, Article IV, Section I of the PACRAO Constitution and ByLaws was amended to include the DDA as a voting member of the Executive Board and an attendee ar both the Winter and Summer Board Meetings.
- President Heather Chermak appoints Ruth Garay DDA (University of Nevada-Las Vegas).
- The Winter 2015 PACRAO Newsletter included a Gender Diversity Quiz; the Summer 2015 PACRAO Newsletter featured an article written by DDC Member Nancy Norman about Ruth Garay, the 2015 DDA.
- In August, the DDC coordinated a webinar entitled “LGBTQ Cultural Competency” on the topic of how to support individuals who identify as LGBTQ at our institutions. The presenter was Holly Reese, Senior and Transgender Program Manager at The Center, which serves the LGBTQ community of Nevada.
- The DDA invited PACRAO members to read Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do (Issues of Our Time) by Claude M. Steele prior to the conference and then participate in a Book Club discussion of the book.
- PACRAO 2015 (Anaheim, CA) Diversity Development Committee coordinated eight sessions and one roundtable.
- The eleventh annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured Dawn S. Reese, Executive Director and Co-CEO of The Wooden Floor.
- The DDA helped coordinate the closing speaker, Dr. Todd Eller, Professor of Professors at the Los Angeles Community College District.
- The PACRAO 2015 Philanthropy was The Wooden Floor.
- President Marc Booker re-appoints Ruth Garay DDA (University of Nevada-Las Vegas).
- DDC Member Kimanthi Warren wrote the article “Building an Effective Assessment Program” for Fall 2016 edition of the PACRAO Newsletter; she was featured in the DDC Spotlight article in the Summer 2016 edition of the newsletter. DDC Member, Joy Kim published an article in the June 2016 Edition of the PACRAO Review entitled “Developing Training to Better Serve Undocumented Students, Our University’s Most Vulnerable Populations.”
- The DDA invited PACRAO members to read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie prior to the conference and then participate in a Book Club discussion of the book.
- PACRAO 2016 (Las Vegas, NV) Diversity Development Committee coordinated eleven sessions and two roundtables.
- Twelfth annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured Edith Fernandez, Associate Vice President for Community Engagement and Diversity Initiatives at Nevada State University.
- The PACRAO 2015 Philanthropy was Olive Crest.
- President James Miller re-appoints Ruth Garay DDA (University of Nevada-Las Vegas).
- The DDA invited PACRAO members to read The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henriquez prior to the conference and then participate in a Book Club discussion of the book.
- The DDA helped coordinate the opening welcoming speakers who brought PACRAO greetings in the Salish language, the traditional Spokane Tribal Language.
- The DDA helped coordinate the opening plenary session speaker, RunningHorse Livingston, a math teacher, mentor, coach and activist.
- PACRAO 2017 (Spokane, WA) Diversity Development Committee coordinated six sessions and one roundtable.
- Thirteenth annual Diversity Luncheon for all members featured a panel of three speakers: Charise DeBerry (Program Assistant for the College Success Foundation Scholars at Washington State University), Chanel Ford (Coordinator of the non-profit Spokane Tribal Network), and Melodi Wynne (PhD Candidate in the Community and Cultural Concentration in Psychology through the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa).
- The DDA PACRAO Philanthropy for 2017 was Salish School of Spokane. (Soraira Urquiza, former DDA, won a television from an exhibitor and donated it to the Salish School of Spokane.)
- President Rayanne Williams appoints Arturo Torres DDA (University of Nevada Las Vegas).