Section 1.1 - Institutions that were members prior to the 1984 formal annual business meeting, and who have retained continuous membership, shall retain their membership and voting rights regardless of the aforementioned criteria.
Section 1.2 - Each unit or division of a complex institution, where the unit or division is either geographically separate or separately accredited by another regional accrediting association, shall be eligible as a Member Institution, provided it meets other membership criteria.
Any educator whose professional function is in admissions, enrollment management, financial aid, institutional research, records, registration, and/or closely related functions in a Member Institution shall be considered an Active Member. Each Member Institution will designate its Active Members.
Persons, organizations, corporations, agencies, or candidates for institutional accreditation, which are found to have parallel purposes to the Association, may be considered for Associate Membership subject to approval by the Executive Board. Organizations, corporations, agencies, and institutions that are candidates for accreditation will designate their Associate Members.
Active Members who leave the profession due to retirement or employment in other fields may elect to continue their membership as Extended Members or be listed as Retired Members. In acknowledgement of their contributions to the profession, Extended Members renew their individual memberships annually, but pay no membership dues. Retired Members are individuals who retire from the profession and elect to leave PACRAO. Their membership information is maintained for historical purposes.
Persons who after long and valued membership in the Association have transferred their activities to other education fields but still evidence an interest in the welfare of the Association, or any person who though not actively engaged in the profession has rendered noteworthy service to the Association may be approved by the Executive Board for Honorary Membership. Members may nominate individuals for Honorary Membership to the Executive Board.
For the election of members to the Nominations and Elections Committee, all Active, Associate and Honorary Members may vote. For all other voting issues, including the election of officers, there is one vote per Member Institution; Associate and Honorary Members may not vote. Voting eligibility is determined by current, paid institutional membership. The vote that is cast on behalf of the Member Institution may be cast by any Active Member representing that institution.
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Past-President, a President-Elect, a Vice President for Professional Development, a Vice President for Membership, a Vice President for Communications and Information Technology, a Vice President for Diversity Development, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Treasurer-Elect, a Business Partner Liaison, and Business Partner Liaison-Elect.
The officers named in Article IV, Section 1, together with the Past President, shall constitute an Executive Board.
This constitution may be amended at any formal annual business meeting by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Member Institutions present and voting, providing that notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to the members at least 30 days in advance of the meeting. A constitutional amendment not thus proposed in advance may be adopted by a four-fifths affirmative vote of the Member Institutions present and voting.
as amended November 11. 2024
Seattle, Washington
as amended November 7, 2022
San Diego, California
as amended October 30, 2019
Scottsdale, Arizona
as amended October 31, 2018
Sacramento, California
as amended October 30, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
as amended November 6, 2002
Victoria, British Columbia